


8. Listen to and read the story. 

-This story is the biography of 

            Sir Edmund Hillary,

 a famous climber from New Zealand.

How to say climber:(klai mr)


How to say famous (fei mes)


 He lived from 1919 to 2008.

 His image is on the New Zealand S5note. 

He is one of the favourite people from history.


Number 1

It is 1931. 

Edmund is eleven.

 On the train to school, he often reads adventure stories and books about explorers. 

Edmund: In the future, I want to be an explorer.

Number 2.

 As a young man,

 Edmund climbs:

- cliffs, 

-mountains and 


in New Zealand. 

He sometimes climbs with friends,

 but he often climbs alone. 

Number 3.

It is 1953.

 Edmund is 33. 

He goes to Nepal to climb Mount Everest, 

the highest mountain in the world.


Number 4. 

In the expedition to climb Mount Everest,


 -14 climbers , 

-a journalist , 

-a photographer, 

-a doctor, and

- 350 porters

 to carry all the food and equipment.

 Edmund talks to Tenzing Norgay,

 a climber from Nepal. 

-Hello, Tenzing. 

-It good to see you again, Edmund.


Number 5. 

 The climbers begin their ascent. 

Edmund climbs with Tenzing.

 A rope connects them. 

It's extremely cold. 

And very windy. 

Number 6.

 During the expedition, Edmund falls through a crack in the ice. 

Tenzing reacts quickly and saves Edmund's life. 


The climbers climb for six long weeks.

 At 7,900 metres the temperature is extremely cold.

 The oxygen is thin.

 Some of the climbers can't feel their feet.

 Some of them feel sick. 

-We can't reach the top. 

-We cannot continue. 

-Tenzing, we can reach the top. 

I know we can do it.

Number 8. 

At 8,800 metres, Edmund and Tenzing are alone.

 They haven't got much oxygen.

 And the last 50 metres are the most dangerous. 

Number 9.

 On 29 th May 

at 11:30am, Edmund and Tenzing are the first climbers in history to reach the top of Mount Everest. 

They are at 8,850 metres. 

They stand there for 15 minutes and

 look at the view.

 Edmund takes photos.

 We did it, my friend! 

We did it!

 It is one of the most important moments 

in the history of climbing. 


After Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary 

climbed Everest, 

jounalists asked 

"Who reached the top first?

They answered:

We reached the top together, as a team. 

9. Read and answer the questions. 

1. What types of books does Edmund read as a boy?

Edmund reads adventure stories as a boy.

2. When does Edmund go to Nepal?

He goes to Nepal in 1953.

3. How many porters are on the expedition to climb Everest?

There are 350 porters on the expedition to climb Everest.

4. Edmund nearly dies during the expedition. How?

He falls through a crack in the ice.

5. How high is Mount Everest?

It is 8,850 metres high.

6. How long do Edmund and Tenzing stand on top of Everest? 

They stand on top of Mount Everest for 15 minutes. 

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