
My crazy school

 My crazy school. What is your school like? 

Do your exercises/homework with good handwriting. 

My name is ................   I'm.............years old.

This is my crazy school. 


1. My school name is .....................


2.-It is funny.

   -It is fun.

   -It is colourful.

   -There are a lot of shapes in my crazy school.

   -You can see a lot of shapes.

   -It is a spectacular building.

   -The building is very different from my real school. 

   -My crazy school is really special. 

   -My crazy school is superb. 

   -My crazy school is......


 3.It has a lot of classrooms.

    It has few classrooms. 

    You can do many things such as: dancing, tennis, 

     diving, football, ...

    You can only do two activities: ...........and.....


4. It is a building with many parts.

    It is a building with two doors. 


5. You can see the sun in the hightest part.

     You can see the sun on the right.

      You can see the sun on the left.


6. It is in the countryside.

    It is in the city.

    It is in the mountains.

    It is at the beach. 

    It is near my house.

    It is far away from my house. 


7. It has got a few floors (a level of a building).

    It has got several floors.

    It has got two floors.

    My crazy school has five floors.


8. On the first floor there are some classrooms.

    On the second floor there are 200 classrooms.


  9. The toilets are on the roof. 

    The toilets are on the first floor.

    The toilets are on the second floor (2nd)


10. The teachers enter through the big door.

     The students enter through the small door. 

      The students enter through the door on the right.

      The students enter through the door on the left.

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