Is this a highlighter?
Is it a stapler?
No, it's not.
Is it a binder clip?
No, it's not.
Is it a pair of scissors?
No, it's not.
What is it?
It's a paper clip
Is this a stapler? /stéipler/
No, it's not
Is it a binder clip?
No, it's not
Is it a pair of scissors?
No, it's not
Is it a paper clip?
No, it's not
What is it?
It's a highlighter.
Is this a binder clip?
No, it's not.
Is it a pair of scissors?
No, it's not.
Is it a paper clip?
No, it's not.
Is it a highlighter?
No, it's not.
What is it?
It's a stapler.
binder clip /bainder clip/
Is this a pair of scissors?
No, it's not.
Is it a binder clip?
No, it's not
Is it a highlighter?
No, it's not
Is it a stapler?
No, it's not
What is it?
It's a binder clip.
Is this a paper clip?
No, it's not
Is it a highlighter?
No, it's not
Is it a binder clip?
No, it's not
It's a
Hay que pronunciar la t. /Itsa/
It is = It's
It is = It's
It is = It's
Filing cabinet
/fáiling cábinet/
Fountain pen /fáuntin pen/
Mechanical pencil
/Mekánikal pensil/
Printer /printer/
That significa eso o aquello.
Se usa para indicar un objeto fuera de tu alcance físico.
Is that a desk?
No, it's not.
Is it a fountain pen?
No, it's not.
Is it a mechanical pencil?
No, it's not.
Is it a printer?
No, it's not.
What is it?
It's a filing cabinet.
Is that a fountain pen?
No, it's not.
Is it a mechanical pencil?
No, it's not.
Is it a printer?
No, it's not.
Is it a filing cabinet?
No, it's not.
What is it?
It's a desk.
Is that a mechanical pencil?
No, it's not.
Is it a filing cabinet?
No, it's not.
Is it a printer?
No, it's not.
Is it a desk?
No, it's not.
What is it?
It's a fountain pen.
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